Prepare for 'New Normal' Wedding Reception - engteco_news

Prepare for 'New Normal' Wedding Reception

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - The conception of wedding receptions that we know of can certainly undergo major changes as we prepare to enter the post-COVID-19 ‘new normal’ phase. The changes can come at a cost of the number of invitations up to gifts for the bride and groom. 
According to the Wedding and Dress Entrepreneurs Association (APPGINDO) chairperson Andie Oyong, the number of guests will adapt to health protocols and might see up to 50 percent reduced invitation capacity and avoiding concept party concepts. 
“Standing parties might not be allowed anymore since it is worry to control people from gathering in crowds. But we can reduce the number of guests by applying seated party concepts such as theater-style, round harmful, or long table,” said Andie to Tempo on Wednesday, June 3. 

Andie also noted that other traditions commonly seen in Indonesian weddings could be changed such as introducing a waiting list to control the number of guests entering a wedding party. 
“So basically it will look like a new normal,” said Andie. 
As for wedding facility service providers, they might have to prepare metal detectors, use thermal guns, and have ambulances on standby before guests enter a wedding reception to assure that a party would not be a new source of infection cluster.  
The Indonesian tradition of gifting bridegrooms with money placed in envelopes is also urged to be replaced with non-cash alternatives such as the use of QR code payments. Andes said that the aforementioned changes will be conveyed to the government by the wedding industry businesses which are being arranged by the Association of Indonesian Marriage Organizers (GP3I).
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